샘플 자기소개서

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  • Cambridge
From a young age I have been mesmerised by the world of science and technology. I am specifically drawn by the science of the materials that are used to create our industrial world. When the Nobel Prize was just recently awarded to the discoverers of graphene, a breakthrough, atom-thin carbon material, my fascination has been reignited. I picture myself one day using the skills that I will acquire at your honoured institution to make invaluable contributions to the world.

To live my fascination, I have poured my last two summers' energy into the laboratories of a company that specialises in metallurgical engineering. I worked with professional engineers and, under guidance, operated machines that tested alloys' properties, recorded and analysed data, and took part in the actual manufacturing. Later on, I visited the laboratories of Baosteel Group, the 3rd largest steel manufacturer in the world, where diligent engineers researched on new machineries to facilitate production. The inspiring works of engineers have awaken my inner ambitions. As I peered over their shoulders onto the scratch papers with its compact equations and elaborate diagrams, I also felt the need for one's strong background in science. Luckily, physics is my favourite and strongest subject; in grade 11 I self-studied AP Physics B and C's, the latter's contents requiring a mastery of calculus. My power of understanding has always enabled me to grasp difficult scientific concept; as well, solving physics problems has brought me pure delight that cannot be found elsewhere.

Engineering also takes strongly from mathematics, which is another of my fortes. My sprint ahead in this area started in grade 6, when I studied grade 8 math at the local high school, overcoming difficulty and building a genuine foundation. Now, 6 years later, the same intrepid spirit and thirst for knowledge has taken me into the lecture halls of the University of British Columbia, where I excel in Calculus III. I have also earned certificates of distinction for the Gauss, Pascal, Cayley, and Euclid math contests. Math is the mother tongue of physics and engineering; I certainly hope that my strength in math will prove useful.

Although my ambition in engineering and my love for science and math have not changed, I feel that the world around me has. When I was younger, many of my peers wanted to become scientists; it was the most admired occupation. But more recently, I have felt that the spotlight of the world has shifted toward finance. My peers told me that it was the only way to gain wealth and power. But isn't it necessary to take a step back and examine what built this world? Our basis has been, and always will be, on science. The world in the 21st century has never been more globalised; yet, so have its problems. Adversaries such as global warming and the possible energy crisis are affecting all of us. Without the creativities of zealous engineers who create materials that make our endeavours more efficient and safer for the environment, the we will find it hard to progress.

Indeed, many of the problems to be solved by engineering are globalised. The need to project creative ideas over national borders links engineering with politics. In this respect, I have made strong preparations. I have attended Model United Nations conferences both in Vancouver and in New York City almost every year. From the MUN meetings, I have gained invaluable knowledge and expressed my own unique views on global issues. At school, I founded the Political Debate Club in grade 10, which brings together passionate members to prepare for the debates and discuss current events. Having a global view makes me more together with the world; this is also an advantage to my engineering potentials. 

I will undoubtedly be proud to be able to study and work towards my engineering career in an institution that welcomes and nurtures my intellects. However, one day, it will be my Alma Mater who is proud of me.