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Top tips for UCAT by an Oxford Medic

This is a time pressured exam, with less than a minute for each question. The overall time limit is 2 hours. Each section is scored from 300 to 900, and this is combined to give an overall score.

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Medical School Interview Debate Style Questions

These are questions that ask you to think critically about a topic and form logical, balanced answers. These types of question are common in both MMI and panel interviews.

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옥스퍼드 영문학 인터뷰 경험담

Tutor들이 저에게 찾고 있었던 것은 ‘강렬한 호기심'이라고 생각합니다. 제가 어떤 주제에 대해 호기심이 있어 보이면, tutor들은 그 주제에 대한 질문들을 저에게 더 던졌습니다. 저는 자기소개서에 유명한 아일랜드 모더니즘 소설가이자 시인인 James Joyce에 관해 썼는데, 그들은 제가 James Joyce의 다른 작품은 읽어본 적이 있냐며 질문하였습니다.

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Oxbridge Earth sciences (Geology) Interview Perspective

I think the admission tutors appreciated the enthusiasm for learning and understanding that I showed and the friendly, relaxed attitude I displayed in both my interviews.

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LNAT examination experience

I was convinced then that essay writing involves a measure of luck, and to some extent it probably does given that one's writing can flow smoothly one essay and be a bumpy ride the next. I was also used to a 1.5 hour time limit for the writing of essay...

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Insights into Law at OxBridge

Here are some general insights into the study of Law at the University of Oxford or Cambridge.

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Examples of past law interview questions

Some general tips for the law interview as well as a selection of past interview questions that students have been asked.

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Interview with a Cambridge Law student from GuruMe

She shares tips and advice on preparing for the Law interview as well as a lot of general information about studying at Cambridge. Long interview! Skip to the relevant parts if necessary.

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